Make sure to add the target into the hosts file:
sudo echo <ip> joker.thm >> /etc/hosts
Let’s start this.
nmap -p- -T4 -vv joker.thm
Open Ports: 22,80,8080
Question 1: What version of Apache is it?
Question 2: What port on this machine not need to be authenticated by user and password?
Question 3: There is a file on this port that seems to be secret, what is it?
Question 4: There is another file which reveals information of the backend, what is it?
Question 5: When reading the secret file, We find with a conversation that seems contains at least two users and some keywords that can be intersting, what user do you think it is?
Question 6: What port on this machine need to be authenticated by Basic Authentication Mechanism?
Question 7: At this point we have one user and a url that needs to be aunthenticated, brute force it to get the password, what is that password?
Question 8: Yeah!! We got the user and password and we see a cms based blog. Now check for directories and files in this port. What directory looks like as admin directory?
Question 9: We need access to the administration of the site in order to get a shell, there is a backup file, What is this file?
Question 10: We have the backup file and now we should look for some information, for example database, configuration files, etc … But the backup file seems to be encrypted. What is the password?
Question 11: Remember that… We need access to the administration of the site… Blah blah blah. In our new discovery we see some files that have compromising information, maybe db? ok what if we do a restoration of the database! Some tables must have something like user_table! What is the super duper user?
Question 12: Super Duper User! What is the password?
Question 13: At this point, you should be upload a reverse-shell in order to gain shell access. What is the owner of this session?
Question 14: This user belongs to a group that differs on your own group, What is this group?
Question 15: What is the name of the file in the /root directory?
Thank you reading my writes.
Your feedback is much appreciated !